Aborto Não Obrigado

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Em Espanha : Abortos até às 32 semanas

Já hoje a lei portuguesa sobre o aborto não se cumpre. ( Ou cumpre ?).
Após a aprovação da nova lei de aborto livre o estado irá fazer cumprir a nova lei?
Se já hoje ninguém é preso seja por abortar em que ponto da gravidez fôr..,como irá o estado garantir que as clinicas espanholas que aqui se instalarem irão cumprir o prazo das dez semanas?
Em Barcelona numa clinica acederam a fazer um aborto com 32 semanas.

21 Novembro 2004

Britânico acompanha a namorada até espanha para terminar gravidez de 32 semanas.
O Casal foi encaminhado para espanha pelo Serviço Britânico de Aconselhamento à Gravidez.

Uma vez em Barcelona o casal foi encaminhado para a clinica ginemex.

English GP takes 32 week pregnant student to Spain for abortion

Main Category: Abortion News
Article Date: 21 Nov 2004 - 11:00 PST

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Further complicity between UK abortionists and the Spanish abortion clinic, Ginemedex, is revealed in The Sunday Telegraph (UK) today. An English GP admits to having accompanied a student to Barcelona to terminate a 32-week pregnancy for social reasons. Once again the UK abortion provider, British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), focus of an earlier scandal unravelled by the same Telegraph team, features regularly in the report.

'Anybody involved in any way whatsoever in the termination of an unborn child at 32 weeks gestation is a barbarian,' said a spokesperson for Comment on Reproductive Ethics. 'It is absolutely against the law in both countries, and there is no way this act can be justified. I feel as disturbed by this killing as I have been by the execution of innocent hostages in Iraq.

'The involvement of BPAS is no surprise. This ill-named organisation has never offered meaningful pregnancy advice. It exists to promote abortion, seeing it as its messianic mission - no reason too trivial, no date in pregnancy too late. Dr Adlakha, the GP involved in The Sunday Telegraph expose, is obviously part of the same network and mindset. There is a viciousness about those organising these abortions and their mania for destroying the unborn child which is almost beyond human understanding.

'Dr Adlakha should be struck off, and the police in Birmingham and Barcelona must investigate immediately the criminal implications. We have already been promised an investigation by the Chief Medical Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson. Let us hope that he will now move quickly.

'It appears that English women are not the only Europeans ending up at the Ginemedex Clinic in Barcelona. Dr Adlakha refers to a French and German client she met during her visit. Spain is currently smarting under the accusations of racism associated with its football supporters. Do they now want to be seen as the abortion killing field of Europe? The Ginemedex clinic must be closed down.'


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